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Chubu-Hokuriku Nature Trail


The Chubu-Hokuriku Nature Trail covers 2,295 km, and five prefectures. Tottorie Prefecture, Shimane prefecture, Okayama prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture and Yamaguchi Prefecture.The trail was started in 1983, and was completed in 2006. The course goes through three national parks and four Quasi National parks.


Detailed Trail


The detailed information section gives information about the Chubu-Hokuri Nature Trail is still being developed.

Want to help the community grow by

contributing? Contact us!

Chubu-Hokuriku Nature Trail Guide Book

The guidebook is currently being written for this trail. Want to contribute? Contact us!

The Japan resources section provides information regarding hiking and navigating Japan. It is not specific to any trail

Trail Resources

Additional resources for the Chubu-Hokuriku Nature Trail Includes English and Japanese Sources 

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