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Japanese Language Guides

Downloadable Japanese Guides

Japanese Food Phrases

This guide covers the food in Japan that you will find in convenience stores.There are many guides online about food, I created this one based on buying food while on the trail in rural Japan.

Japanese to English Map Terms

This guide covers the Japanese phrases that are often seen on maps while hiking. The guide includes the English, Kanji, Hiragana/Katakana and romanji version of the words.

Helpful Japanese Phrases

This guide covers the Japanese phrases that may help you while hiking. This includes asking for directions, saying you are lost and asking about the bus route. The guide includes the English, Kanji, Hiragana/Katakana and romanji version of the sentences.

Hiking in a country where you are not fluent can be challenging. I created basic Japanese guides tailored to hiking that I found useful while hiking. Is there something you think we should add? Let us know!

This information is taken from and Hiking the Tokai Nature Trail: A complete guide.

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