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Kantō Fureai Road


The Kanto Fureai Road is also known as Shutoken Nature Trail (首都圏自然歩道) trail is 1800 km long and covers six prefectures in the Kanto region. The trail is divided into 160 courses for day tips, which are about 10km each. The courses are not all continuous courses. Major places on the trail includes two national parks.

Detailed Trail


The detailed information section gives information about Kanto Fureai Nature Trail  is still being developed.

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contributing? Contact us!

Kanto Fureai Trail Guide Book

The guidebook is currently being written for this trail. Want to contribute?Contact us!

The Japan resources section provides information regarding hiking and navigating Japan. It is not specific to any trail 

Trail Resources

Additional resources for the Kanto Fureai Nature Trail. Includes English and Japanese Sources 

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