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Tropical Leaves

Kyushu Nature Trail


Kyushu Nature Trail is a trail that overs 2,587 km and seven prefectures. The trail takes hikers through Fukuoka, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Nagasaki and Saga Prefecture. On the Kyushu Nature Trail  hikers will see historical sties, cultural properties, mountains highlands and lakes.

Detailed Trail


The detailed information section gives information about Kyushu Nature Trail  and is still being developed. Want to help the community grow by contributing? Contact us!

I am currently working on this Hiking Guide. I hope to a preliminary guide out by March 2023!

Kyushu Nature

Trail Guide Book

The guidebook is currently being written for this trail. Want to contribute? Let us know. 

Contact us!

The Japan resources section provides information regarding hiking and navigating Japan. It is not specific to any trail

Trail Resources

Additional resources for the Kyushu Nature Trail. Includes English and Japanese Sources 

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